Supernormal vs Fireflies
Tired of tedious note-taking? Transform your meetings with Supernormal: Easy-to-use AI for smarter, more insightful summaries.
Why companies like this choose Supernormal
Supernormal cares about the details because we know you have better things to do. We’ve engineered our AI to capture and compile every syllable with care before notes reach your fingertips.
Our talented AI team pores over the latest techniques to craft customized meeting summarization exclusively for your team’s needs - extracting the most useful insights privately and securely.
Catch all your meetings, on time, every time - with Supernormal seamlessly integrating into your flow. Our Zoom and Teams bots and Google Meet Chrome Extension all ensure we never show up unexpectedly.
How does Fireflies compare to Supernormal?
Simple solutions
Every platform, every OS: we've got you covered
Supernormal captures meeting notes on major platforms - Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. Compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux, it's your go-to for seamless note-taking across all your devices.
Supernormal is super easy to use
Supernormal automatically captures your meeting and delivers a transcript, summary, and action items all in a user-friendly interface that sets us apart from the rest.
Notes are tailored to the way you work
Supernormal stands out with flexible note formatting: choose from a range of templates or create your own by prompting the Supernormal AI for specific insights.
Enterprise-grade security standards
Supernormal is SOC 2 certified and undergoes periodic security reviews.
Data in-transit is encrypted using TLS 1.2+ and at-rest using the industry standard AES-256 algorithm.
Access & Permissions
All content has permission rights and authentication requirements, enabling you to safely share your content.
Automatic & Secure Backups
Content is automatically and securely stored through cloud backups with advanced encryption and robust storage protocols.
More work gets done with Supernormal
user per month
Supernormal users and counting
Discover what our customers are saying
Azeem Javed, Commercial Director
Creative Networks
Dave Irwin, Founder
Justin Schafer, Product
Tribe AI
Peter Garea, Head of Business Development
Fiat Growth
Carl Hua, Investment Partner & CTO
Shima Capital
Rachelle Young, Program Director
The Next Web
Jason Laster, CEO
Azeem Javed, Commercial Director
Creative Networks
Dave Irwin, Founder
Justin Schafer, Product
Tribe AI
Peter Garea, Head of Business Development
Fiat Growth
Carl Hua, Investment Partner & CTO
Shima Capital
Rachelle Young, Program Director
The Next Web
Jason Laster, CEO
Supernormal has a best-in-class AI team and our AI technology is built with the latest advancements in machine learning, offering a more nuanced understanding of context, tone, and the subtleties of human speech, ensuring a more accurate and comprehensive capture of your meetings.
To ensure higher accuracy, Supernormal utilizes a combination of advanced speech recognition algorithms and contextual analysis to accurately transcribe and interpret discussions, even in noisy environments or with fast speakers, making every word count.
Supernormal is designed to accommodate 17 languages and a wide range of accents and dialects, thanks to its sophisticated language models, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility.
Supernormal offers unique features such as custom sections, custom templates, and automatic action item assignments making your meeting notes more actionable with minimal effort required.
Supernormal prioritizes privacy and security, employing state-of-the-art encryption, GDPR compliance, and SOC2 Type 2 certification, giving users peace of mind that their conversations remain confidential.
The user interface of Supernormal is intuitively designed for ease of use, allowing users to effortlessly navigate, manage, and review their meeting insights, making the experience seamless and simple compared to other notetaking apps.
Supernormal seamlessly integrates with a wide array of platforms and productivity tools including Slack, Workable, Hubspot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, and more, ensuring users can easily connect their workflows and automate the transfer of meeting insights across their preferred systems.
Supernormal's customer support and service are centered around a responsive, user-first approach. We offer timely assistance, always getting back to you within 24 hours, and personalized support to ensure users can maximize the benefits of our AI notetaking technology. Just reach out at!