Better Meetings

Effortlessly Uninstall Fathom from Your Meetings

Let's be real, sometimes the apps we install just don't click with us. If Fathom's not cutting it for you on Google Meet, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams, no worries – we've got your back. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the straightforward process of uninstalling Fathom, so you can free up some digital real estate and potentially explore better alternatives.

Why You Might Want to Uninstall Fathom

Look, Fathom's not a bad tool per se, but it might not be the best fit for everyone's needs. Maybe you're not digging the interface, or perhaps you've found another app that better aligns with your workflow. Whatever the reason, it's totally valid to want to part ways with Fathom.

Plus, let's not forget the importance of decluttering our digital spaces. Just like we spring clean our homes, it's refreshing to tidy up our virtual lives too. Uninstalling apps we no longer need can help streamline our experience and potentially boost productivity.

Step-by-Step Guide to Uninstalling Fathom

Alright, now for the good stuff – how to actually remove Fathom from your meeting tools. Don't worry, it's a piece of cake.

Google Meet

  1. Open Google Meet and start or join a meeting.
  2. Click on the three dots in the bottom right corner to open the menu.
  3. Select "Settings."
  4. Scroll down to the "Apps" section and find Fathom in the list.
  5. Click the "Remove" button next to Fathom.
  6. Confirm that you want to remove the app.

Boom, just like that, Fathom's gone from your Google Meet experience.


  1. Open the Zoom desktop app and sign in to your account.
  2. Click on the "Settings" gear icon in the top right corner.
  3. In the left sidebar, select "Recording."
  4. Under "Cloud Recording," toggle off the option for "Fathom."
  5. Click "Remove" when prompted to confirm the removal.

And just like that, Fathom's no longer a part of your Zoom meetings.

Microsoft Teams

  1. Open Microsoft Teams and click on the three dots next to your profile picture.
  2. Select "Apps" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Find Fathom in the list of installed apps and click the three dots next to it.
  4. Choose "Uninstall" from the options.
  5. Confirm that you want to uninstall the app.

Congratulations, you've successfully evicted Fathom from your Teams experience!

Exploring Supernormal – A Superior Meeting Tool

Now that you've freed up some digital space, why not consider trying out a new tool that might better suit your needs? Enter Supernormal, a powerhouse when it comes to transcribing, summarizing, and recording meetings.

Here's why Supernormal stands out:

  1. Accurate Transcriptions: Supernormal's transcription capabilities are top-notch, ensuring you never miss a beat during your meetings.
  2. Intelligent Summaries: Need a quick recap? Supernormal's AI-powered summaries distill key points, action items, and decisions, saving you time and effort.
  3. Seamless Recording: Whether you're in a video or audio call, Supernormal allows you to record your meetings with ease, giving you a reliable reference to look back on.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Supernormal's intuitive design ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience, so you can focus on what matters most – your meetings.

By switching to Supernormal, you'll not only streamline your meeting workflows but also unlock a whole new level of productivity and efficiency.

Embracing Change and Optimizing Your Meeting Experience

At the end of the day, uninstalling Fathom is just the beginning. It's an opportunity to reassess your needs and find tools that truly elevate your meeting experience. Embrace change, experiment with new solutions, and don't be afraid to switch things up until you find the perfect fit.

Remember, the right tools can make a world of difference in how you approach and manage your meetings. By opting for a platform like Supernormal, you're investing in a more streamlined, efficient, and productive meeting experience – one that empowers you to focus on what truly matters: connecting, collaborating, and driving your team or business forward. So, go ahead and bid farewell to Fathom with confidence. Who knows, your next meeting tool might just be the game-changer you've been waiting for!

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