Productivity Hacks

Designing Your Productivity Stack

Everyone’s familiar with a tech stack - the set of technology tools an organization uses in the development of an application. And everybody knows how important an organization’s data stack is. But in today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the tools a team uses to collaborate are just as important as the tools we use to build and evaluate products. Enter, the productivity stack, the set of tools we use to communicate about, track, and complete work. 

Every organization has one but not all are as intentional about their productivity stack as they are about their tech and data stacks. In this article, we’ll cover the importance of a productivity stack and how to be intentional in designing yours, and we’ll share Supernormal’s core productivity stack so you can see these ideas in action. And this article couldn’t be more timely! In a world where new AI tools are coming out every day, it’s a great time to audit and update your toolkit. So, let’s get to it! 

The Impact of a Well-Designed Productivity Stack 

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern work, the concept of a productivity stack has emerged as a transformative force that shapes the way individuals, teams, and organizations approach their tasks and goals. A productivity stack is not merely a collection of tools; it's a thoughtfully curated ensemble that serves as a dynamic foundation for maximizing efficiency, promoting collaboration, and driving innovation. Let's delve into the profound importance of cultivating a well-crafted productivity stack in today's fast-paced world.

  1. Optimized Efficiency: A productivity stack empowers you to streamline your workflow, eliminate bottlenecks, and optimize resource allocation. By carefully selecting tools that align with your processes, you can automate routine tasks, expedite decision-making, and ensure that every action contributes to your overarching objectives. This efficiency amplification enables you to achieve more in less time, making the most of your valuable resources.
  2. Holistic Organization: The complexities of modern work demand effective organization. A productivity stack acts as a unified hub where information, documents, and communication converge. This centralized approach minimizes the chances of scattered data, missed details, and duplicated efforts. With a well-structured stack, you gain an organized overview of projects, tasks, and milestones, enhancing coordination and clarity.
  3. Enhanced Collaboration: Collaboration lies at the heart of successful endeavors. A productivity stack provides tools that facilitate seamless communication, knowledge sharing, and real-time collaboration. With integrated platforms, teams can work cohesively, regardless of geographical boundaries. This synergy promotes cross-functional collaboration, idea exchange, and collective problem-solving.
  4. Agile Adaptation: The modern landscape is marked by rapid changes and shifting priorities. A robust productivity stack equips you with the agility needed to adapt to new challenges and opportunities. Through integrations and automation, you can swiftly pivot between tasks, adjust strategies, and capitalize on emerging trends. This flexibility ensures you stay relevant and responsive in a dynamic environment.
  5. Informed Decision-Making: Data-driven decision-making is pivotal for success. A productivity stack that incorporates analytics and reporting tools enables you to glean insights from data, guiding strategic choices. These insights aid in identifying trends, recognizing patterns, and evaluating the effectiveness of different approaches, ultimately leading to more informed and impactful decisions.
  6. Empowered Innovation: Innovation thrives in an environment that fosters creativity and idea generation. A productivity stack that includes collaborative and brainstorming tools encourages innovation by facilitating open communication, brainstorming sessions, and the cross-pollination of ideas. This atmosphere of innovation fuels continuous improvement and the exploration of novel solutions.
  7. Time Savings: A productivity stack's automation capabilities translate into substantial time savings. By automating repetitive tasks, you free up valuable time to focus on high-value activities that demand creativity, critical thinking, and strategic planning. This redistribution of effort enables you to work on tasks that truly move the needle.

Designing the Perfect Productivity Stack 

Creating a productivity stack should never be a haphazard process. It requires careful consideration and a clear sense of purpose. By being intentional about the tools you choose and the processes you implement, you can optimize efficiency, enhance collaboration, reduce costs, and foster a streamlined workflow. An intentional approach ensures that your stack aligns with your team's unique needs and goals, preventing unnecessary clutter and complexity.

Pillars of an Effective Productivity Stack

  1. Lightweight Design: A productivity stack is like a well-organized toolbox. You want it to be packed with essentials, easy to navigate, and devoid of unnecessary tools that could slow you down. Prioritize tools that offer a wide range of functionalities without overwhelming your workflow. No two tools should serve the same purpose. This lightweight approach to tools not only increases efficiency but also reduces the learning curve for new team members.

  2. Meeting & Non-Meeting Inclusive: A solid productivity stack includes tools that are inclusive of the information and work that comes out of meetings, and non-meeting work. By accounting for both, you always have a comprehensive picture of what’s going on across the organization and who is responsible for what.

  3. Single Sources of Truth: In a world flooded with information, having a single source of truth is invaluable. This principle emphasizes the importance of having a centralized hub where all vital information, documents, and updates are stored, and everything is filed appropriately. No floating artifacts. This not only prevents confusion and misinformation but also fosters transparency and accountability. With a single source of truth, everyone is on the same page, minimizing the risk of duplicated efforts or missed details.

  4. Intuitive Use: A productivity stack should feel like an extension of your team's natural workflow, not a hindrance. Intuitive tools are easy to understand and use, allowing team members to focus on their tasks instead of struggling with complex interfaces. When tools seamlessly integrate with your existing processes, adoption becomes smooth, and productivity soars.

  5. Automation: Automation forms a pivotal component of a modern productivity stack. It harnesses the power of technology to reduce manual effort and enhance efficiency. Integrate AI-driven tools that automate routine tasks, from data entry to notifications. By leveraging automation, you liberate your team from repetitive tasks, enabling them to focus on strategic initiatives.

Crafting Your AI-Powered Productivity Stack

Creating an effective productivity stack begins with a well-thought-out plan that aligns your tools with your team's unique needs and processes. By starting with the tools you use for communication and gradually expanding into other areas, you can build a robust productivity ecosystem that fosters efficiency, collaboration, and innovation. Let's dive into the step-by-step playbook for crafting your productivity stack.

Step 1: Communication Tools as the Foundation

Start your journey by focusing on the core communication tools that your team relies on daily. Think of these tools as the foundation of your productivity stack. Common examples include Gmail, Google Meet, and Google Calendar. These tools ensure seamless communication and scheduling, enabling your team to stay connected and organized.

Step 2: Collaboration Tools for Seamless Workflow

With communication established, it's time to introduce collaboration tools that streamline your workflow. These tools facilitate teamwork and collaboration so workers stay in sync.

Step 3: Task and Project Management Tools

As your team's collaboration efforts grow, introduce task and project management tools to keep projects on track and ensure everyone is aligned.

Step 4: Automation and Integration

Once your core communication, collaboration, and task management tools are in place, explore automation and integration possibilities to enhance efficiency further.

Step 5: Continuous Improvement and Flexibility

Your productivity stack is a living ecosystem that should evolve with your team's changing needs and the emergence of new tools. Here are some tips to ensure your productivity stack never goes out of style: 

  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits to assess the effectiveness of your tools. Identify any redundancies or underutilized resources, and replace them with more suitable options.
  • Feedback Loop: Encourage your team to provide feedback on the tools they use. This helps you understand their pain points and preferences, allowing you to make informed adjustments.
  • Stay Open to Innovation: Keep an eye on emerging tools and technologies. As AI-powered tools and innovations become available, evaluate their potential to enhance your productivity stack.

Supernormal’s Productivity Stack

Let's take a deeper dive into how Supernormal, a dynamic and innovative team, has meticulously crafted their productivity stack to amplify efficiency, foster collaboration, and drive results. By strategically integrating a combination of cutting-edge tools, Supernormal exemplifies how a well-designed productivity stack can transform the way a team operates.

1. Google Workspace: The Collaborative Foundation

Supernormal kickstarts its productivity stack with Google Workspace, utilizing a suite of tools that form the backbone of their collaborative efforts. Gmail, Google Meet, and Google Calendar provide a seamless communication and scheduling experience, allowing team members to connect, converse, and coordinate effortlessly. The integration between these apps ensures that meetings are scheduled with ease, and important discussions are held with clarity, whether in-person or virtually.

2. Notion: Centralizing Knowledge and Workflows

For comprehensive knowledge management and streamlined workflows, Supernormal turns to Notion. Acting as a central hub for information, documents, and projects, Notion enables team members to collaborate in real time. Customizable databases, task boards, and wikis empower Supernormal to tailor their workspace to their unique needs. This versatility enhances team coordination, minimizes duplication of efforts, and ensures everyone is on the same page.

3. Github: Empowering Seamless Development

Supernormal's tech-savvy approach includes leveraging Github for roadmapping and sprint planning, for both the tech and non-tech teams. This platform enhances collaboration enabling the Supernormal team to work simultaneously on projects, track changes, and merge code seamlessly. By integrating Github with other tools in their stack, Supernormal bridges the gap between development and project management, ensuring a harmonious workflow.

4. Slack: Real-time Communication and Integration

To facilitate real-time communication and swift decision-making, Supernormal relies on Slack. This instant messaging platform keeps discussions organized in dedicated channels, reducing the clutter of email and fostering open conversations. By integrating Slack with other tools, Supernormal streamlines notifications and updates, ensuring that relevant information reaches the right team members at the right time.

5. Supernormal Meeting Notes: Streamlining Collaboration

To optimize meeting effectiveness and documentation, and account for the work that happens in meetings, Supernormal uses its own AI meeting notes platform, of course! Supernormal is designed to capture discussions, action items, and key takeaways during meetings. With seamless integrations into the rest of the stack including Google Calendar, Slack, and Notion, meeting notes are effortlessly transformed into actionable tasks, keeping projects moving forward and minimizing post-meeting ambiguity. Learn more about Supernormal or try it for free at

6. Zapier: Automating Workflows for Efficiency

Supernormal's commitment to efficiency is underscored by its use of Zapier to automate workflows across various tools. Zapier's integrations allow Supernormal to connect different apps, triggering actions based on predefined triggers. This automation reduces manual data entry, enhances consistency, and ensures that team members can focus on high-value tasks rather than routine processes.

Supernormal's productivity stack is a testament to the power of intentional tool selection, integration, and automation. By strategically combining Google Workspace apps, Notion, Github, Slack, Supernormal’s AI meeting notes, and Zapier, Supernormal has created a productivity ecosystem that ensures our team always knows what’s going on and what they need to do, even as that’s changing in real-time. 

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