Better Meetings

Running Effective Team Meetings

Weekly team meetings are a staple of the modern workplace. They can be a great way to keep everyone on the same page, share updates, and collaborate on projects. But if they're not run effectively, they can quickly become a waste of time.

In this blog post, I'll share some tips for running effective team meetings. I'll cover everything from setting clear goals to keeping everyone engaged, and how Supernormal can help. By following these tips, you can ensure that your recurring team meetings are productive and worthwhile.

Why Are Team Meetings Important?

There are many reasons why effective team meetings are important. Here are a few:

  • They help to keep everyone on the same page. This is especially important in large teams or teams that are working on complex projects. When everyone knows what's going on, it's easier to collaborate and avoid misunderstandings.
  • They provide a forum for sharing updates and progress. This is a great way to keep everyone informed about what's happening and to celebrate successes. It also helps to identify any potential problems early on.
  • They allow for collaboration and problem-solving. When everyone is in the same room, it's easier to brainstorm ideas and come up with solutions to problems.
  • They can help to identify and address issues early on. If there are any problems or concerns, they can be raised in the meeting and addressed before they become bigger issues.
  • They can help to build team morale and engagement. When employees feel like they're part of a team and that their input is valued, they're more likely to be engaged and productive.

How to Set Clear Goals for Your Meetings

The first step to running an effective team meeting is to set clear goals. What do you want to achieve by the end of the meeting? Once you know your goals, you can start to plan the meeting accordingly.

Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, a goal for a recurring team meeting might be to:

  • Review the status of all projects and identify any potential roadblocks by the end of the meeting.
  • Brainstorm new ideas for marketing the company's products.
  • Develop a plan to improve customer service.

How to Keep Everyone Engaged

Once you've set your goals, it's time to think about how to keep everyone engaged in the meeting. This means making sure that the meeting is interesting, relevant, and interactive.

Here are a few tips for keeping everyone engaged:

  • Start and end the meeting on time.
  • Keep the meeting focused on the agenda.
  • Mix up the activities and discussions.
  • Encourage participation from everyone.
  • Use active listening skills.
  • Be positive and enthusiastic.

Here are some specific examples of how you can keep your team engaged in a meeting:

  • Start the meeting with a quick icebreaker to get everyone's attention.
  • Ask questions and encourage everyone to participate.
  • Use visuals, such as slides, charts, and graphs to help people stay engaged.
  • Take breaks throughout a long meeting to avoid people getting bored.
  • End the meeting with a summary of the key points and next steps. 

How to Manage Conflict

It's inevitable that there will be conflict in team meetings from time to time. But it's important to be able to manage conflict effectively so that it doesn't derail the meeting.

Here are a few tips for managing conflict in recurring team meetings:

  • Stay calm and objective.
  • Don't take things personally.
  • Focus on the issue at hand, not the personalities involved.
  • Encourage everyone to share their perspectives.
  • Look for solutions that everyone can agree on.

If the conflict is particularly difficult to manage, you may need to take portions of the meeting offline. 

How to Follow Up After Your Meetings

The final step to running an effective team meeting is to follow up afterward. This means taking action on the decisions that were made and communicating the results to everyone involved.

Here are a few tips for following up after your meetings:

  • Send out meeting notes immediately following the meeting. 
  • Assign tasks and deadlines.
  • Track progress and make adjustments as needed.
  • Celebrate successes and learn from failures.

After-meeting follow-up can be tedious, especially if you have a lot of meetings. But new AI tools can help. With Supernormal you can get detailed notes for all your team meetings and, when you apply Supernormal’s Team Sync template to your meeting notes, they are instantly formatted based on what you covered in your meeting. They include action items that can be assigned to team members and tracked. And they can be instantly transferred to the tools you and your team use for non-meeting work like a CRM, knowledge database, or task management platform. Get started with Supernormal for FREE today - that’s right FREE AI meeting notes - and let us handle the follow-up! 

By following these tips, you can ensure that your recurring team meetings are productive, engaging, and worthwhile. But even the best-run meetings can be derailed by unexpected events. That's why it's important to be flexible and adaptable. If something goes wrong, don't be afraid to change course.

The most important thing is to create a meeting culture that values everyone's input and encourages collaboration. When team members feel like they're part of a team and that their ideas are valued, they're more likely to be engaged and productive.

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