
How to See Your Calls in Hubspot

As a sales rep, having visibility into your calls can be a game-changer for your productivity and success. With Hubspot's calling and CRM features, you can easily view details on your incoming and outgoing calls directly within Hubspot. Here are some of the major benefits this provides:

  • Stay organized. With call logs integrated into Hubspot's interface, you have a centralized place to view all your client interactions in one dashboard. No more scattered call records across multiple tools.
  • Enhance preparation. Before a call, you can review previous interactions right inside Hubspot. This allows you to be better prepared with context on past discussions.
  • Improve follow-up. After a call, notes and tasks related to the call are attached for simplified follow-up. You can immediately create action items and trigger workflows from call logs.
  • Surface insights. With all your calls and meeting data aggregated in Hubspot, you can more easily spot trends, analyze effectiveness, and see where you might need to improve. The data is right there to inform your approach.
  • Record interactions. Instead of letting great client conversations disappear into the ether, call logging provides a record you can reference later on. It's an archive of all your customer relationships over time.
  • Share context. Other team members can get up to speed on client relationships by reviewing past call interactions that are logged within Hubspot. It keeps everyone on the same page.

Surfacing your calls directly in Hubspot streamlines communication, provides helpful context, drives action, and generally makes your client interactions more measurable and optimized. Let's look at how integrating Supernormal supercharges these benefits even further.

Automatically Integrate Supernormal Notes into Hubspot

While viewing call logs in Hubspot is hugely beneficial, the value goes to the next level when you automatically integrate your meeting notes from Supernormal. Supernormal is a next gen notetaking app that uses AI to create searchable, shareable, and customizable notes from your calls and meetings. When Supernormal is integrated with Hubspot, any notes you take in Supernormal are immediately attached to the associated meeting log in Hubspot for instant access.

Here are some of the advantages of incorporating Supernormal notes into your Hubspot workflow:

  • Enhanced notes. The AI-powered notes from Supernormal are comprehensive, searchable, and perfectly organized. They capture the essence of meetings far better than scramble notes.
  • Easy sharing. The notes taken in Supernormal seamlessly appear in Hubspot alongside call logs, making it simple to share detailed recaps with clients and colleagues. They also can be automatically shared with meeting attendees so everyone stays on the same page.
  • Speeds follow-up. With robust Supernormal notes attached in Hubspot, you can quickly execute any follow-ups or assign tasks to keep momentum going after meetings.
  • Improves memory. Referring back to Supernormal notes in Hubspot makes it easy to recall exactly what was discussed and agreed upon in any past meeting.
  • Centralized access. Instead of toggling between Supernormal and Hubspot, your meeting notes are directly accessible within your main CRM. All information in one place.
  • Enables search. You can search for keywords across all your Supernormal notes in Hubspot to quickly find relevant information.

The bottom line is that integrating Supernormal into Hubspot creates the ultimate centralized knowledge base for all your calls and meetings. Getting this integration set up takes just a few clicks, so let's walk through that process.

How to Integrate Supernormal with Hubspot

Integrating Supernormal with Hubspot requires just a couple quick steps and you'll be off and running. Here is the 2-minute process:

  1. Open up Supernormal and navigate to Account Settings on the left sidebar. Click on "Integrations".
  2. Under Hubspot, click "Connect", log into your Hubspot account when prompted, and authorize access.
  3. In Hubspot, navigate to "Integrations" in the settings menu. Click "Install Supernormal" and grant access.

That's it! Once connected, any notes you take in Supernormal meetings or calls will automatically appear as attachments on the associated activity log in Hubspot. You'll see Supernormal notes seamlessly surfacing across your Hubspot workflows. With the integration set up, let's go over some tips for taking great meeting notes in Supernormal that will supercharge your Hubspot.

Tips for Taking Great Meeting Notes

While Supernormal will automatically generate clean notes from your meetings, following some best practices will ensure your notes are as useful as possible for referencing later on.

Here are tips for taking top notch meeting notes with Supernormal:

  • Have a template ready. Create a template in Supernormal for your common meeting types like sales calls, one-on-ones, team syncs. The template can include sections, reminders for info to gather, follow-ups, etc.
  • Assign & check off action items. Make sure you keep track of action items and who is responsible for them. With Supernormal, your meeting notes include action items that are automatically assigned - one less thing to worry about! 
  • Focus on outcomes. Emphasize key decisions, milestones, and outcomes from each discussion topic rather than trying to capture everything verbatim. Keep in mind that Supernormal does both - all notes include a transcript of the meeting, as well as meeting notes with key decisions.
  • Share quickly. Immediately share notes with attendees! WIth automatic share settings and integrations like the one with Hubspot, your Supernormal notes are instantly available to everyone who needs them.
  • Review and edit. Look over your automated Supernormal notes after each meeting to format them with features like custom templates and custom sections, so they include exactly the information you need.

Following these tips will help you end up with stellar Supernormal notes attached to your Hubspot activities. Well-structured notes like this make it far easier to execute follow-ups, reference past agreements, and ultimately drive deals forward.

When your important meetings and calls are automatically logged with detailed AI-generated notes in Hubspot, you gain a invaluable record of customer interactions and key insights. This supercharges your productivity, effectiveness, and ability to deliver results. Integrating Supernormal into your workflow is a must for sales professionals who use Hubspot.

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