Supernormal for Sales

Grow the business with video

Increase revenue 30% and save 15% additional time per rep. The All-In-One video platform for distributed revenue and success teams.

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Used by world-class teams

Screenshot of Supernormal showing a Design Team's recorded videos

Capture Highlights with just a click

Stay engaged in your sales calls, and easily capture customer insights. Immediately available and sent straight to your CRM. Close deals faster and have better handoffs to CS.

Screenshot of Supernormal showing a Design Team's recorded videos

Sales Enablement that matters

Training that focuses on real customer pain points and insights. Supernormal helps teams focus on the three minutes that matter.

Screenshot of Supernormal showing a Design Team's recorded videos

Integrated with your workflow

Supernormal works for any type of meeting. Capture all your meetings even if you are not the host.

Supernormal for Google Meet

Supernormal is a life saver for teams that are trying to figure out remote and hybrid work. Being able to search across all meetings and watch key moments asynchronously is a fundamental experience to the way we work.

Supernormal is an essential workplace tool for anyone who has ever been asked to take notes for interviews, events or meetings.

We rely heavily on Supernormal to capture our team conversations. It helps us keep communication open, fair and accessible.

Every Supernormal is instantly available with notes, transcript and highlights.


Unlimited length
We don't stop working for you after an hour. Supernormal will take notes for as long as you like.
Auto share notes to participants
Get back to work faster and let Supernormal handle sending out the notes.
Slack + Google Integrations
One click share to your colleagues via Slack or email.
Multi-language transcription
Get transcripts for English (US, UK), French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Keep the discussion going with comments, @mentions, and video replies.
Simple link sharing
Share your recordings or highlights anywhere and with anyone with a link.

Win back your time

Turn your long calls into 3 minutes of easily watched highlights. Be a good teammate and Supernormal your next meeting.

Get Supernormal for Free